I’m an accidental entrepreneur 10 years in the making, having started T Squared as a bit of a rebound and a Chapter 2, from a good run in corporate America. I was a retiring member of the blackberry carrying over-committed working mom club (the youngest were 2 and 4 at the time). I found myself consulting by accident and through relationships (thank you, Terry and Mike D), which gave me the courage to try again.  That led to the spark of an idea, and a quasi-business plan at best…the inkling that I might make a go of this as a business. Again, enter people who believed in me—partners, clients, former candidates, and most of all–my husband who squashed plenty of self-doubt and what-ifs. Oh, PS, it was 2009… the middle of the economic crash, the Great Recession. Humbled, I began, one call, one meeting, one outreach, one event, one client, one placement at a time.

As we just celebrated our 10th year in business, my most favorite stories and the ones that keep me doing what I’m doing are those where I helped introduce a new career option to someone, a new path, a way to segue their skills and talents or catapult it to the next version or chapter of them. Take for example, my recent placement, John, who was in a competitive process for a very cool role… Design Thinking & Customer Experience Coach. When the client took a creative approach to sizing the job to fit his clear strengths and passions, extending the offer to him, John was over the moon. He surprised me with a lovely & heart felt thank you… it reads “Thank You So Much For All Of Your Coordination And Advocacy! This Is Going To Be A Game Changer for Me, And It’s Because You Believed In Me! Thank You!” We helped solve a tricky business problem through a creative lens and approach.

That pure excitement for the opportunity and that for him, it’s a game changer, is all the fuel I need to pay it forward, to do it again. It’s because two someones in 2008 and another in 2009 believed in me too … and one who believed all along (husband plug #2).

Loads of doubt can pepper the road of an entrepreneur, if I’m honest. It’s people like John who make it worthwhile…keep me grinding and humbled. And, the truth is, it’s the people like John who are the difference makers. They are my reason for doing it better, for trying harder. Making any difference in their lives is my honor.

Thanks for 10 years to my clients & candidates, supporters and colleagues. Continue to be difference makers.

About T Squared:

T Squared provides organizations with high caliber sales, marketing and general management professionals on a national search, interim staffing and pipeline management basis.  The firm was founded in 2009 with headquarters in Denver, CO.   For more information, visit www.Tsquaredgroup.com or tweet with us Twitter.com/tsquaredgroup

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